Flute and Voice Studio of Melissa Mashner
" I hope to inspire a next generation of flute players through my teaching to experience a lasting lifestyle of health and innovation
through music
and artistic freedom. "

Studio News
Visit the "Studio News" tab in the menu to view recent accomplishments of my students!
My Teaching Philosophy
As a teacher, I truly believe that the next generation is our future. I desire for students of all ages to come alive to the adventure of experiencing and expressing music. My goal is to help my students understand music in a way that deepens their understanding of the world around them while simultaneously developing the awareness and life skills needed to carry them forward in life far past the scope of our time together.
I teach with empowerment and encouragement, creating a safe learning environment where my students feel known and accepted while fostering leadership, inquiry, and autonomy in my studio. I love seeing my students take next steps with music and grow in their understanding of the world around them because of the deep musical impact they have personally experienced.
My students are exposed to the highest standards of artistic excellent to inspire their vision as creative artists. Weekly private lessons are focused on laying a foundation in every person for the core concepts of tone, rhythm, air, motion, color, dynamics, and resonance. My students perform regularly on recitals, apply for Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association Solo & Ensemble Festivals, and compete in area competitions hosted by the Southeast Michigan Flute Association.
We cover major repertoire and develop solid technique with an intense focus on experiencing freedom of air flow and whole body movement integration in a way that does not cause injury or pain. My students are constantly engaging in a discussion of how to approach air and sound with variety and health for their body that reduces tension and stress. I hope to inspire a next generation of flute players that is much more aware of body care through my teaching so that they can experience a lasting lifestyle of health through music and artistic freedom.
Finally, my students work hard and understand that their progress is directly related to their commitment to personal practice. My studio policies are intended to reflect a commitment on part of both teacher and student; that I reserve a weekly slot in my schedule for each student and that students take their lessons seriously with regular attendance and diligent preparation.
My teaching philosophy is a beautiful balance between high expectations, and the elements of trust, empowerment, and inspiration. Thank you for entrusting your learning to me, and thank you for being part of my studio.
Private Flute and Voice Lessons
Melissa offers private flute and piccolo lessons for musicians of all ages in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This is a wonderful way to strengthen your musical experience, while also providing new opportunities and wonderful repertoire for you to find your true voice with music.